Treatment Processes


While treated with Med Contour tissue and fat cells are “sucked” in the applicator with vacuum. Through corresponding operations of two mutually adjusted ultrasounds a stage of compression and decompression in the tissue is created which further produces a lot of gas bubbles in the tissue. Bubbles get larger and larger, implode and produce a great amount of energy that encourages fat cell membranes to disintegrate. 

The unique ultrasound treatment of Med Contour breaks membranes of fat cells, fat cells are being destroyed by releasing fat acids and triglycerides. Afterwards they’re absorbed and transported in the liver through the lymph and blood vessels. Natural metabolism of the liver removes these excess fat acids and triglycerides from the body. Lymphatic drainage integrated in the applicator, also known as “zonal massage”, makes this removal process considerably easier.

Low-frequency ultrasound penetrates into targeted subcutaneous fatty tissue and by means of focused ultrasound causes fat cells to break leaving the skin, blood vessels and connective tissue intact.

Variable frequency changes between 20 to 60 kHz increase ultrasound penetration and thus affect adipocytes better. Low-frequency pulse in the spectrum of various wave lengths caused by changed pressure offers a better mechanical and lipolysis effect so that fat cells of various sizes could be reached.

During the Med Contour treatment in adipocytes a mechanical lipolysis is created that encourages fat acids to degrade in cells. Destroyed fat cells – a mixture of fat and water (emulsion) must be removed through the lymph system so that lymph drainage must be made in order to support this process and to offer the mixture as energy to the liver. Thereby the liver doesn’t make any difference between the fat received through this method and the fat received from regular food.